Some people have said that the middle-class is disappearing. While the percentile of people that can be considered middle-income has dropped in the past, things have been improving recently. Well, at least in many states. Some states are still struggling to maintain a decent percentage of middle-income households.

The United States Census Bureau recently released information that outlined what it took to be called “middle-class” in each state. After looking at all the data, it became clear which states were on top while others were bottom-of-the-barrel.

We went over this information in detail so that it would be easy to determine whether your household can be considered middle-income or not. For this listicle, we used information from several sources, including Sperling, U.S. Census, Business Insider, SmartAsset, GOBanking Rates, and Zillow.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $49,018 to $146,322
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,955 to $164,046
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $64,195.38 to $191,628

Who knew that Wyoming would have such a high percentage of middle-income households? It’s ranked 12th at 41.81%. The median household income is slightly above the national average, too. The state also has its fair share of higher-income households, too, at 18%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $48,509 to $144,804
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $56,703 to $169,262
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $66,453 to $198,368

Vermont may rank poorly on worst places to retire, but it’s great for middle-income families. The state has one of the highest percentages of middle-class households, 42.03%. As far as middle-income ranges, it ranks pretty much in the middle.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $57,776 to $172,466
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $62,818 to $187,516
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $69,727 to $208,140

Middle-class income may seem average in the state, but considering the cost of living, the state can be pretty difficult to live in. Everything from food to housing costs a pretty penny. Still, people in Alaska are doing a pretty good job. A total of 45.57% households are considered middle-income.

North Dakota

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $51,942 to $155,050
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $58,328 to $174,114
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $69,738 to $208,174

North Dakota ranks 45th for states with the highest percentage of middle-income households. This year the percentage is 40.05%. It’s no surprise that North Dakota has their ducks in a row. They also ranked as having one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country.

South Dakota

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $45,763 to $136,606
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $51,908 to $154,948
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $59,443 to $177,442

South Dakota made a lot of rankings recently. First, they have one of the highest percentages of middle-income houses, with 40.69% making the grade. Second, the state also has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. We’re guessing the two go hand-in-hand.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $49,705 to $148,374
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $57,849 to $172,684
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $69,613 to $207,800

Delaware has some of the highest income ranges in the country, especially for four-person families. Considering their average household income is around $72,420, we’re going to say they’re doing pretty well. That’s not too surprising considering how well the northeast scored in general.

Rhode Island

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $50,797 to $151,632
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $58,581 to $174,870
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $72,251 to $215,674

Rhode Island ranks 20 in middle-income percentage. Currently, 42.35% of households in the state are middle-income. That being said, Rhode Island also has one of the highest four-person family middle-class income ranges in the country.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $43,244 to $129,086
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $50,063 to $149,442
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $58,586 to $174,884

Montana is another state that just barely missed being in the lowest-ranking income ranges. They’re around the 30s, but it isn’t surprising so many people move to this state regardless. It has one of the lowest property tax rates of any other state.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $43,831 to $130,840
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,410 to $159,434
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $62,685 to $187,120

Maine ranks 14 for states that have the highest percentage of middle-income households. A total of 37.63% of households fit the mark, while only 10.6% of people are living in poverty in the state. Maybe this is because the range is so low.

New Hampshire

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,027 to $161,274
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $67,094 to $200,280
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $80,950 to $241,642

Northeastern states are killing it in the high rankings for middle-class income ranges. New Hampshire ranks fairly high for two-person families and fifth for both three- and four-person households. That could be linked to the fact that it takes a lot of money to live in the state, however.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,522 to $159,766
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $64,447 to $192,378
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $72,694 to $216,996

Hawaii is often an outlier since it’s so far away from the rest of the nation. Still, the middle-class income ranges rank among the top 25 in the United States. The median household income is $76,084, and the poverty rate is lower than the national average at 9%

West Virginia

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $35,377 to $105,602
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $43,122 to $128,722
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $51,654 to $154,192

Poor West Virginia constantly ranks at the bottom of many lists for income. Even though the number of middle-income households is 33.98%, a much larger chunk of residents live in lower-income households.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $41,527 to $123,960
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $45,395 to $135,508
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,479 to $159,640

A total of 41.6% of households in Idaho are middle-income. However, it has a smaller-than-average percentage of upper-income households compared to the other top middle-income states on the list. GOBankingRates found that Idaho just barely skirts the bottom 10 for lowest middle-class income ranges.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $47,635 to $142,194
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,725 to $160,374
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $62,752 to $187,320

Nebraska is another state that’s in the 40%-club for middle-class households. A total of 41.7% of households in the state are middle-income. It also has a fairly low percentage of people who live in lower-income households.

New Mexico

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $39,203 to $117,024
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $39,809 to $118,834
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $45,526 to $135,898

New Mexico has been on the list of one of the poorest states in the nation for a while. In addition to this, it also ranks as one of the states with the least number of middle-income households. Currently, that percentage sits at 34.88%, while lower-income households have reached 45.6%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $45,939 to $137,130
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $52,285 to $156,076
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $60,490 to $180,568

Kansas has quite a few households that reach the “middle-class” label. The number of middle-income households reached 40.3%. Something we did want to bring up is that the U.S. Census Bureau found that the average household in the state is only 2.52 people.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $34,818 to $103,934
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $38,130 to $113,820
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $46,144 to $137,742

Mississippi also ranks as one of the poorest states in the nation. The state’s middle-class only accounts for around 31.66% of households. Most people who live in the state live in lower-income households, which is a staggering 48%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $36,376 to $108,586
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $41,271 to $123,198
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $47,895 to $142,970

Like many of the other southern states, Arkansas is one of the lowest-ranking states for middle-class income. The cost of living and housing is low, which makes you think it’d be easy to live in the state, but the poverty rate is still a high 15.2% Arkansas is also one of the worst states for the middle class with only 34.6% of households reaching middle-income status.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $44,128 to $131,726
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $48,075 to $143,508
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $55,281 to $165,018

Nevada is an interesting state. It has one of the highest percentages of families who live in a middle-income household – 39.68%. At the same time, the state’s unemployment rate is higher than the national average at 4.7%. Nevada is also one of the most tax-friendly states on the list.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $46,347 to $138,350
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $52,985 to $158,164
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $63,128 to $188,442

Good job, Iowa! This state has one of the highest percentages of middle-class families in the nation. Half of the households, 40.93%, in the state are considered middle-income. As far as range rankings, it’s smack-dab in the middle.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $46,548 to $138,950
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,061 to $161,376
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $60,663 to $181,084

Utah has ranked as one of the best places to live in the world. Could this be because the state is so economically stable? It’s one of the friendliest middle-class states in the country, as 46.62% of the households in the state are considered middle-income. The state also has one of the lowest lower-income households in the nation.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $58,508 to $174,652
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $68,170 to $203,492
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $83,808 to $250,174

Middle-class income ranges seem pretty high, but some claim that Connecticut isn’t quite friendly. Data seems to back that up. Connecticut has one of the lowest percentages of middle-class households at 38.82%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $40,754 to $121,654
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $44,458 to $132,710
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $51,015 to $152,284

Oklahoma’s ranges rank pretty poorly. In fact, the range for four-person families ranks 40th out of 50. Households also have a low median income at $59,269, which has actually decreased recently. It’s no wonder their poverty rate is so high – 15.2%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $46,467 to $138,708
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,830 to $160,686
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $63,013 to $188,100

Oregon isn’t terrible, but they’re not spectacular. Suppose that’s something to be proud of. Their ranges are middle-of-the-road, and the median household income is around $66,146. While that’s not bad, neighboring states ranked higher.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $37,627 to $112,318
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $44,132 to $131,736
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,873 to $160,814

Kentucky is one of the bottom 10 states in the nation with the lowest percentage of middle-class families. Only 36.65% of households can be considered middle-income, while Kentucky also has a staggering poverty rate – 14.9%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $37,312 to $111,378
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $43,139 to $128,774
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,792 to $163,558

Another southern state at the bottom 10 for two- and three-person family middle-income ranges. It ranks a little higher for four-person families, but things get worse when you see how many people live in the middle-class range – only 40.9%. Most people live in lower-income households, 45.7%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $38,582 to $115,170
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $44,351 to $132,392
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,111 to $161,524

According to Investopedia, Alabama ranks as one of the poorest states in the nation. It’s no surprise that it’s also difficult to obtain enough money to be considered middle-class. Only 35.52% of households are middle income.

South Carolina

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $40,983 to $122,338
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $44,612 to $133,170
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,252 to $161,946

Around 36.53% of households in South Carolina are middle-income, making this one of the lowest percentages in the country. The state also has a higher-than-average percentage of households who fit the lower-income category.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $52,135 to $155,628
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $63,777 to $190,380
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $75,671 to $225,884

Minnesota ranks higher than all of its neighboring states for the highest middle-class income range. It also has more to brag about considering 43.1% of households are middle income. Maybe the state is worth moving to!


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,159 to $161,668
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $60,635 to $181,000
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $71,100 to $212,240

Colorado ranks as one of the top middle-class income ranges for a two-person household. However, the state does drop its rank slightly for three- and four-person households. According to the U.S. Bureau, Colorado actually has one of the highest percentages of households that can be considered middle-class at 41.78%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $46,216 to $137,958
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $55,882 to $166,812
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $66,791 to $199,376

Wisconsin, what goes on there?! Well, apparently, this state has one of the highest percentages of households living a middle-class life. A total of 42.06% of residents live in middle-income households. Another surprising fact, their middle-income ranges are among the highest in the nation.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $60,487 to $180,558
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $70,551 to $210,600
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $83,621 to $249,614

Maryland has one of the highest income ranges of any other state. Its status for two-, three-, and four-person households are rank two, two, and four, respectively. The median household income is also much higher than most states at $82,999. Unsurprisingly, the percentage of persons in poverty is only 9.9%, much lower than the national average of 11.4%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $41,764 to $124,668
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $48,967 to $146,170
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $59,308 to $177,038

Well, Missouri is having a hard time ranking high on any list. It has some of the lowest middle-class income ranges in the nation. It also has a pretty high poverty rate 12.1%. It isn’t the worst, but it’s certainly something to work on.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $42,360 to $126,448
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $49,472 to $147,678
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $58,007 to $173,156

Indiana doesn’t rank well, which is disappointing considering the states around it are doing better. However, the median incomes for each family size are much closer than some of the other states. The percentage of middle class households is 40.14%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $40,158 to $119,874
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $45,967 to $137,216
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,118 to $161,546

Tennessee ranked as one of the best states for middle-income households having a 36.92% average. The averages, however, are super low compared to other states. Regardless, the state also has a 67.16% homeownership rate.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $57,063 to $170,338
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $71,220 to $212,596
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $87,939 to $262,504

Massachusetts is a bit of an odd one. The state has one of the highest two- and three-person family middle-incomes. It also beat out every state for having the highest four-person income range. Then again, it has one of the smallest middle-class household percentages. Currently, only 37.63% of households can be considered middle income. Despite this, the poverty rate is lower than the national average, so they’re doing something right.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $44,015 to $131,388
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $47,098 to $140,592
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $55,092 to $164,454

Arizona is pretty middle-of-the-road. The necessary income to be considered middle class is neither super high or super low. That being said, we want to bring up the median home price, which can impact the middle-class heavily. That sits at $278,400. Considering the median household income is around $65,379, few people can afford a mortgage. Plus, the cost of living is a little higher than average, which certainly factors into it.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,747 to $160,438
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $61,211 to $182,720
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $71,747 to $214,170

For a state like Washington, where the cost of living is so high, you’d think the ranges would be much higher. Well, they may not rank in the top 10, but the state has most beat with median household income – $74,491. That’s pretty impressive.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $53,226 to $158,886
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $61,968 to $184,980
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $73,000 to $217,910

Virginia has some pretty good rankings. The state is one of the top for all income ranges, but that isn’t a huge surprise. The state also has an extremely strong economy. The median household income is $78,442.

New Jersey

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $56,409 to $168,384
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $70,741 to $211,166
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $86,287 to $257,572

Around 38.73% of New Jersey’s households live in the middle-income range. This is pretty strange, considering they also have one of the higher median household incomes at $77,302, which is a third higher than the national average.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $42,701 to $127,466
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $51,221 to $152,898
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $62,640 to $186,984

Michigan’s income ranges are right in the middle, so that’s nothing to write home about. The median household income for the state is also nothing great at $65,159. What’s really unfortunate is that the percentage of persons in poverty, which is 12.6%.

North Carolina

  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $41,704 to $124,490
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $46,987 to $140,260
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $56,648 to $169,098

North Carolina just barely hits bottom 15 for the lowest middle-class income ranges. The median household income in the state is just $64,442, one of the lowest on the list. On top of that, the state also has a high poverty rate of 12.9%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $42,773 to $127,680
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $48,298 to $144,172
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $56,850 to $169,702

Around 37.38% of households in Georgia can fit in the middle-income range, which is one of the lowest in the country. That being said, it isn’t the lowest, and it certainly doesn’t have one of the highest percentages of people living in lower-income households; that’s currently around 30%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $42,765 to $127,658
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $50,684 to $151,296
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $61,094 to $182,370

Ohio is pretty much smack dab in the middle of the income range ranking. Some data analysists, like SmartAsset, found that it has one of the highest percentages of middle-income households. A total of 38.76% of the homes can be considered middle-class. Way to go!


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $48,972 to $146,186
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $56,939 to $169,968
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $68,452 to $204,334

Illinois ranges aren’t too bad, and the state ranks higher than its neighboring states, Indiana and Missouri. Regardless, the state has some work to do. The median household income is just $70,901, and the percentage of persons in poverty is higher than the national average at 11%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $45,202 to $134,932
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $56,004 to $167,176
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $67,667 to $201,990

Most income ranges on this list rank pretty close, but not Pennsylvania. In 2020, its two-person middle-class range ranked 28, but the three-person household range ranked 19. Regardless of the numbers there, 38.92% of Pennsylvania’s households are now considered middle-income.

New York

Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $48,674 to $145,296

  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $57,889 to $172,802
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $70,331 to $209,944

Even though New York isn’t that far down in the states with the highest middle-income range, not many people have reached the status. It’s number one for the states with the least middle-class households at 37.19%. This could be attributed to the fact that the cost of living is much higher, and the median home value is $353,100.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $41,696 to $124,466
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $45,512 to $135,858
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $54,322 to $162,154

Florida landed in 30th for middle-class income ranges across the board. The middle class household percentage is 37.52%. The only good thing (if you can call it that) is that the state ranks higher than many other southern states, such as Louisiana, Kentucky, and Arkansas.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $44,975 to $134,254
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $49,410 to $147,494
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $57,212 to $170,782

Texas ranks higher than most southern states on this list, including Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The median household income is also higher than most southern states at $66,333, which is extremely close to the national average. Despite this, the state also has a poverty rate of 12.9%.


  • Two-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $52,681 to $157,258
  • Three-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $57,796 to $172,524
  • Four-Person Family Middle-Class Income Range: $66,091 to $197,288

California is another state that’s ranked as among the worst for middle-income residents. Business Insider puts it at number nine for its list of the worst 15 states for middle-income families. That being said, the median household income is much higher for middle-class families at $74,435.